Don Jose Miguel Carrera

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José Miguel Carrera (1785-1821) was a Chilean revolutionary. With his brothers, Juan José and Luis, he overthrew the revolutionary junta headed by Martínez de Rozas in 1813 and dominated Chile until replaced by Bernardo O'Higgins later that year. He again seized control in 1814, precipitating a civil war that facilitated Spanish reconquest of Chile. Later he was forbidden by José de San Martín to reenter Chile. San Martín and O'Higgins ordered the execution at Mendoza of his brothers. Involving Argentina in civil turmoil, Carrera was on the point of invading Chile when he too was captured and beheaded at Mendoza.

The battle of Rancagua is described here.

Don Jose Miguel Carrera

Don José Miguel Carrera
En su casa de Santa Rosa
hablo de la independencia y bailo la refalosa

Y llevaba en su caballo la palabra Libertad
Y su nombre repetía luchemos por la hermandad
Chile será soberano lucharemos mano a mano

Cuando la patria nacia, Don José Miguel Carrera
puso su espada y su vida por esta limpia bandera


Don José Miguel Carrera
después del sitio de Rancagua
mancharon su limpio nombre, ensangrentaron el agua


Don José Miguel Carrera

Don José Miguel Carrera
in his house at Santa Rosa,
talked of independence and danced the Refalosa

And on his horse he carried the word Liberty
And his name echoed "we will fight for brotherhood"
Chile will be sovereign, we'll fight hand in hand

When the country was born, Don José Miguel Carrera
offered his sword and his life to this clean flag


Don José Miguel Carrera
after the battle of Rancagua
they soiled his clean name, they bloodied the water


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