CH or ¬CH?
Internet humor links
random trip report
Something of Mau Mau
Beavis and Butthead sound bites
When Good Trees Go Bad
Wile E. Coyote vs. Acme
Movie-theater popcorn
Unpublishable children's books (titles)
Unpublishable children's books (covers)
Lyrics to the Monty Python Philosopher's Drinking Song
Math, Physics and Chemistry
(little-known Tom Lehrer song)
The following hosted on other servers:
Go the F*** to Sleep
(children's book)
Goodnight Keith Moon
(note: Keith Moon died in the same hotel room where Cass Elliott had died 4 years earlier).
Ask Dr. Science
random T-shirt generator
Cute Overload
Harsh reviews of children's art
Paradin' before it's too late
(from A Hard Day's Night)
Make your own Bruce Lee movie
- demotivational posters
The Straight Dope
Joe Frank
Strong Bad Email
My cat hates you
and some real ping-pong
College humor the way it should be - and is
Viking Kittens
Short Jokes
Yes and No - dyseducational road movie
Odd Todd
Triumph versus Star Wars Geeks
Science Made Stupid
(abridged for the Web).
Casey at the Bat (Road Game)
(by Garrison Keillor)
Portsmouth Synfonia
Harry Shearer
Wacky chemical names
Anagram generator
Bud Uglly web design
Web Economy Bullshit Generator
Horton hears a heart
Edgar Allen Seuss
Copyright 2025 © David P. Anderson