Family Fotos

random trip report

Alice, 2016(?)

Larry with 34" striped bass, April 2006.

At my grandparents' 50th anniversary party, when the hell was it, 1979 or so. Left to right: cousin Bert, cousin Marian, me, sister Rachel, cousin Bronwen, cousin Eric.

Uncle Herbert, mother Alice, uncle Donald, aunt Ann. My back yard, January 2004.

My family on my maternal grandparents' side, in 1965, at their home in San Jose. Click for hi-res version.

Standing: Ann, Evan, Herbert, Don's wife Christine (?), Don, Alice, me, Stephen, Mike Francisco; middle: Cathy, The Colonel, Marion; Bert, Marian, Eric, Bronwen, Rachel.

Uncle Oscar and Lynne on my back deck, 4/2001.

Me and Henry, 12/2000.

Sister Rachel (with vi reference mug), 11/99.

Nephew Ryan, 11/99.

Niece Emily Rose, 11/99.

My stepmother Lois and me, 9/1999.

My cousin Eric Enderton (with backpack) and me at Tennessee Valley (in Marin county, just north of San Francisco). One of those Perfect Days. 1995.

My father Henry and me, 1994 or so. Henry is the only person who could do the Atlantic Monthly Puzzler (cryptic) faster than me. [Update: Erica can do them faster than me too].

Brother Stephen, sister Rachel, me, and mother Alice at 'The Doan Family Reunion' (what, you can't read the T-shirts?). San Bernardino mountains, summer 95.

Fortuna Mine, Yuma Arizona, 1995. Cousin Eric (left) and uncle Evan Pugh. My grandfather Herb worked at this gold mine as a young man, and met my grandmother Marian there.

My niece Emily Rose (Rachel's youngest) at about 12 months. She wants to chew on the sunglasses. 1995.

Mother Alice and me at the site of Roxaboxen, summer 95. I'm videotaping the ground.

My stepmother Lois at her house in Seattle, Xmas '96. In my hand are two balloons filled with sand, described as 'glass micro-spheres' in the product literature.

Mother Alice, a while back. She's admiring what I believe to be a chocolate cheesecake, of her own creation. How can I be so thin with a mother like her?

Alice and Larry on Mt. Rainier, ca. 1983.

Alice and Larry at Mt. Cotopaxi, Ecuador, 1989.

Copyright 2025 © David P. Anderson