Michela Taufer, her husband Andre Kerstens, and I
took a break from intensive discussions of the Future of Computing
to take a short trip to the Organ Mountains of New Mexico
(so-called because their crenellated ridge resembles a row of organ pipes).
We took a delightful 4-mile hike on the 'Pine Tree Trail'.
We had a view (not shown here) of the White Sands Missile Range,
site of the explosion of the first atomic bomb.
click image for hi-res version
click image for hi-res version Rock-topped mini-peak; will do this one next time
click image for hi-res version Strong resemblance to the Grand Tetons
click image for hi-res version Andre busts a class-4 move in his new cowboy hat
click image for hi-res version
click image for hi-res version The clouds were attempting to upstage the mountains.
Check out the full-size image - unbelievable!
click image for hi-res version I bust a 5.2 move in my sandals
click image for hi-res version Whew! That was scary.